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Tagged: strong prey on the weak

You've got to eat to survive.

I personally believe that the strong were not born to prey on the weak and I'm certain that many others with such honorable qualities will follow my logic and reasoning in this decision. But I have to admit that I weaken every now and then and see no choice out. Please, allow me to explain.

Even though I indeed believe in this philosophy and concept and it is embedded so deeply within me that it has become an influence and part of my thinking process in every decision and action I make, my mind at times just can't help wonder how this fundamental thought breaks down when it comes to survival. Yes that's right, when it comes to the very basic surviving need we obviously need to eat in order to live, now here is the disturbing thought, though I don't see the process of butchering that takes place for me to enjoy my chicken burger with a slice of cheese and double mayonnaise, well it really doesn't matter cause I agreed to eat that sandwich and by default have agreed to all the condemned animals that are put to death in the process for my personal needs and gains.

That's right, every time you have that juicy steak or that Mc Chicken from McDonalds', you are indirectly involved in the killing of that animal, taking a life, Yes it is as bad as it sounds because it was you who killed and fed on that animal and thus have chosen to prey upon the weak, for the mere reason that we can. We can because we are smarter and frankly speaking, the animals honestly don't have a choice in the matter.

I'm a Vegetarian, This doesn't apply to me

Think again, being a vegetarian does not exempt you in any way, you see, that cabbage or carrot you ate, well, there is a reason it's under the ground and that is because it wants to be left alone, believe me, you ain't doing no favors to that carrot when you pull it out cause you killed it to fill your stomach. As a matter of fact, I feel this is even worse than eating animals because plants can't even make any type of sound to defend themselves, at least with animals that last moo from the cow before taking it to sleep will live with you. So even when we eat just vegetables and say we aren't harming no one, those plants lost their lives in order for us to fill our stomachs.

So what are we to do, starve to death?

No, of course not, that will be just silly. There is another way, but it ain't easy. They are referred to as "Fruitarians". Yes, from the name we can deduct that they just eat fruits, but then you ask ain't that just the same. As a matter of fact, it isn't. Let me explain, the reason plants produce fruits is for the core reason of reproduction. The fruits that are produced by plants are designed to attract animals to eat them and hopefully leaving the seeds in tact to be dispersed further away from the mother plant in order to ensure the continuity of survival for that strain of plant.

Some fruits such as Tomatoes are designed so that the seeds are eaten by you, but guess what, the seeds pass your digestive system unaffected and once it goes through the digestive system it comes out with the feces providing the seeds all the nutrients it needs for a healthy head start in life. In other words what I'm trying to say is that when it comes to fruits, we do the plants a favor by eating them and they were made by the plant in order to attract animals to eat them, just the same way the mechanism of cross pollination by flowers works, by creating pollen and and the use of bright colours to attract insects to carry the pollen to other flowers.

Can we really live on only fruits? Can I survive?

You might have heard many stories and tales that it is not possible to get all the required nutrients by just eating fruits, well let me PERSONALLY tell you that those stories are nothing but rumors. That's right and here is the proof, I knew a colleague that worked with me in Saudi Aramco who was a Fruitarian for 5 years from the day I knew him and when asked are you managing fine by only living on fruits he shockingly replies I Never felt better in my life. He was not kidding, he really convinced me that he truly never felt better in his life until he started to only eat fruits. He says I do it cause I believe this is the way god intended us to live, eating directly from the trees.

Need more proof, what about I tell you that there is an individual from India that has managed to live for 70 years without eating or drinking water.

Miracle Man Survives for 70 Years without Water or Food

BBC News post

What about dairy products?

Some might turn the blind eye to dairy products such as cheese and milk by coming to the conclusion that no one gets hurt in the process. Though true and without a doubt it is a peace of mind not to carry blood in your hands, you must still remember that in a way it can be seen as stealing and let us not cloud our judgment or lie to ourselves, even this is considered to be preying on the weak.

We must be strong to stand to this challenge

Yes no one said it would be easy, but personally, knowing these facts I just can't simply ignore them and intend to let my actions stand up for what is right. It's not easy and maybe we can't do it from day one, but I'm sure if one believes in rightfulness and puts their hearts into it, they can do it.

I strongly believe in an eye for an eye and the strong were not born to prey on the weak.

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Mauve: I feel so much happier now I undraestnd all this. Thanks!

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